2023 /
These two paintings feature stylized human figures, with simplified heads and faces composed of geometric and abstract patterns instead of traditional facial details.
The works explore the complexity of human identity in the contemporary context, suggesting a discourse in which identity is not perceived as something innate or natural, but as a manufactured or imposed construction. The absence of realistic facial features and the incorporation of abstract forms seem to constitute a critique of the way society assigns roles and labels to people, forcing them to hide their true essence behind masks or symbols that others expect to see.
Through a palette of vibrant colors, stylized shapes and abstract symbols, the artist reflects on how individuals adopt and hide their authentic faces, giving rise to an artificial identity that responds to social expectations. The symbols and patterns used attempt to represent the dissociation between the public image we project and the private reality of who we are.
The crown, in particular, symbolises the roles of power or authority that people assume, although these often do not reflect their true feelings or thoughts. The confrontation and separation of the two figures suggest a dialogue, either between two facets of the same person or between two individuals who embody different stances, ideas or experiences. The chromatic opposition and treatment of the faces reinforce the idea that, although the figures are interconnected, they are also in conflict or contrast.

Géminis I
50 x 65 cm / Acrylic on canvas

Géminis II
50 x 65 cm / Acrylic on canvas